To add value to the human life by the developement of innovative high-quality technology for application in the medical field of electro-stimulation through an efficient and flexible organization run by people motivated by life for life.
Medico’s presentation
Medico S.p.A. was established in 1973 and is still a privately owned and independent firm.
For more than 45 years we have been working in cardiac stimulation with the aim to guarantee to physicians and patients a high technology standard.
The pioneering spirit of the Company in the development of new technologies has been shown since the 80’s, when Medico revolutionized the stimulation practice with the introduction of single-lead VDD pacing with 3 cm atrial floating dipole.
With the ambition to give to the physicians the suitable tools to optimize the therapy for every single patient, in the recent years the firm has been devoted to the development of an integrated system for the measurement of TVI (Trans Valvular Impedance), an impedance signal derived between right atrium and ventricle by means of standard pacing electrodes. This signal can provide important information about the mechanical function of the heart. In particular, it is possible to detect changes in preload and stroke volume, in order to monitor the hemodynamic stability along the time.
This innovative system is available in all pacemakers of the Sophòs and Helios families and provides a continuous feedback on device programming and pharmacological therapy effectiveness. Other applications based on TVI include ejection checking after ventricular pacing (with algorithms for automatic adjustment of pacing energy) and sensing (safety pacing is delivered if ventricular oversensing is suspected).
1973: Company foundation
1984: First VDD unipolar single lead system (Phymos).
1985: First VDD bipolar single lead system (Phymos 830).
Over 70.000 VDD Phymos systems implanted worldwide.
1985: First programmable VDD pacemaker.
1997: First rate responsive pacemaker with double slope.
2005: First pacemaker with hemodynamic sensor based on TVI.
2007: First triple-chamber pacemaker provided with TVI sensor(Helios300).
2008: New dual-chamber Sophos models.
2009: New single-chamber pacemakers (Mythos, Easy Plus).
2011: New dual-chamber Sophos models.
2012: New TVI Analyzer PSA and new Olympia programmer.
2013: New dual-chamber Pacemaker line (Eos).
2014: New biventricular Pacemaker (DDDRV) Hera.
2016: New dual-chamber Pacemaker line (Gea e Iris). New single-chamber Pacemaker line (_Easy Plus_).
2017: Ermes Remote Mobile Monitoring device.
2018: New Retractable Screw-in Bipolar Lead VITIS
2019: First Medico MR-conditional Pacemakers: Eos D MRI and Eos DR MRI. New Olympia Plus programmer.
2021: First Medico MR-conditional Pacemakers for VDD pacing with single-pass lead (Iris VDD MR, Kadmos VDD MR).
PHYMOS 44 MRI and PHYMOS 44L MRI single-pass leads for MR-conditional VDD pacing.
New MR-conditional Pacemaker line (Iris SR MRI, Iris DR MRI, Kadmos DR MRI).
Factories and offices
The company headquarters are located in the northeast of Italy, in Rubano, just outside the city of Padua.
Padua is traditionally innovative town, glorious centre of art and science, well known worldwide for the renowned University, founded in 1222, that attracted since the Middle Ages scientists and learners from all over Europe.
The Faculty of Medicine, founded in 1399 was glorious scientific event well witnessed by the historical buildings of the Palazzo Bo and by the anatomy theatre where the genius Galileo Galilei taught during the XVIIth century. It is with this cultural heritage that MEDICO wishes to establish a sort of ideal Relationship.
MEDICO S.p.A. occupies a number of buildings housing the departments of: Sales & Marketing, Research and Development, Quality, administration, logistics as well as the Management and the factory. A production line of some mechanical parts is located in Czech Republic.
The factory is devoted to the production of implantable devices (pacemaker and leads) and external devices (programmers, PSA Pacing System Analyzes and electrodes for invasive and not invasive electrophysiological studies).
MEDICO, with its goal of providing a service to the Medical Community, boasts a skilled and highly qualified team of Engineers and Technicians.
Medico’s staff also features all the professional expertise required by the most advanced theories in business organization and marketing.
Medico people are strongly committed to the development of highly effective and reliable pacing systems aiming at the total Customer satisfaction.
External commercial organization
Medico is present with a well qualified and capillary sales organization in the main europena nation and in Japan; furthermore it is present in some asiatic and southamerican countries. Many efforts are currently directed to find new markets for our products. In the section “Searching collaborators/distributors” are indicated the countries where we are actualy looking for distributor; who is interested can visit this session and contact us by post box (or email).
Main markets
In his long time experience Medico boast many clients and implant centres which used with satisfaction Medico’s products since long time in the most important european countries, in Japan and in other non european nations.
Medico C. E. Mark Certification
All Medico Department, designing, production, Quality, post marketing surveillance, are periodically inspected by the Notified Body granting the CE Mark certification for every product after deep verification for requirements meeting, by which Medico put the CE mark over all its products which can therefore been commercialised within the euopean community countries and in all the countries which recognise the severe regulation procedure for the CE mark of medical devices. Most of Medico products are approved in addition by the Japanese Authority as well as by other National Authorities. Actually all the products (pacemakers, leads, and programmers) have received the CE Mark, demonstrating that Medico Research and Development, Production, Marketing and Post-Marketing Surveillance, Quality Assurance, and all the other steps of the Company activity conform with the Rules enacted by the European Community, particularly for the directive 90/385/CEE e 93/42/CEE.
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