Helios 300 (DDD-Biventricular)
Helios 300 is a biventricular pacemaker for cardiac resynchronization therapy based on an efficient microprocessor technology.
Helios 300 is characterized by an accelerometric sensor for rate modulation according to patient’s chronotropic needs, and by hemodynamic sensor based on Trans Valvular Impedance (TVI).
The availability of two completely independent ventricular channels, with a wide range of programmable parameters and functions (as the possibility to choose the first ventricle in the activation sequence and the independent programming of VV delay after pacing and after sensing), allow an effective optimization of therapy for each patient.
Special Functions :
- Advanced management of frequencies
- Advanced management of AV Delay
- Protection functions on tachycardia or ectopic events
- Ejection check after ventricular pacing
- Ejection check after ventricular sensing
Rate Responsive System
The Rate Responsive system of Helios 300 is based on a sophisticated accelerometric sensor.
The system allows to program the rate responsive curve in frequency in a extremely flexible way.
Furthermore, the presence of 4 rate responsive predefined profiles for different patient’s life style and an automatic procedure of calibration make easier and faster activation and adjustment.
TVI Sensor
The TVI signal (Trans Valvular Impedance) is measured between right atrium and right ventricle.
The possibility to choose the electrodic configuration to measure signal and the auto-calibration current system in order for such detection, allow to obtain an optimal signal in every implant, also in those cases of elective pacemaker substitution.
The sensor detects, cycle by cycle, the effective mechanical heart contraction, allowing to realize the functions of permanent ventricular ejection check with automatic adjustment of pacing energy in case of loss of capture (ejection check after ventricular pacing) and protection in case of oversensing with an automatic safety pacing in case of external interferences (ejection check after ventricular sensing).
Furthermore, it’s possible to obtain an hemodynamic monitoring of the patient, thank’s to the long term storage capacity: in case of decay of hemodynamic performance an appropriate warning will be visible to the user on the programmer’s screen.
A wide diagnostic section, managed easily by programmer, allows to obtain all necessary information for an optimal pacemaker operation according to patient’s requirements.
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